Friday, June 22, 2012

Mount Elizabeth Hospital Stay

After four natural childbirths, I felt it was time to try the EPIDURAL!
It was the right thing to do with this fifth pregnancy.
Here's Dr. Yap the sweetest Chinese anesthesiologist.
She was not much taller than Ethan!
We were so impressed with Dr. Yap,
she put me right at ease with my first-time epi experience.

Dr. Anne Hagarty - just about the coolest Canadian OBGYN you can ever meet! She's a lululemon-wearing, yoga-loving, horse-back riding, hip woman, who has delivered more than 5,000 births...and really knows what she is doing. I credit everything positive related to this pregnancy and labor/delivery to her!

The Filipina nurses were the sweetest, they sure took good care of
Lucia and I for our five-day restful and peaceful stay.

The Indian kitchen staff were so sweet.
They even brought extra food for my four "little ones".
I just have to say, this would NEVER happen in Europe.
I love birthing in Asia! The western food at the hospital was so so,
once I switched to Asian / Malay / Indian - it was SO much better!
However, for every meal I had, Mateo had to go run down
and buy me a second meal....I've been ravenous as a breastfeeder.


The hospital is seriously run like a hotel, front guest manager,
here's one of the friendly Malay cleaners:

I'm so glad I had these days to just rest and relax, I never turned on the TV,
I just held Luciana and enjoyed her.

One thing I've never had before is this bracelet on me and one on
Lucia's foot, every time they bring me to her there is a lovely little tune
so the staff know they matched the right mom to baby, AND
also so that nobody can steal the baby or the security will sound off!

On Monday, the kids were so excited to come after school and have Lucia's
first FHE and dinner outside in the gardens.  Chef Mateo had packed spaghetti
bolognaise for the family.

Proud Papa - he sure loves his little girl!

I'm so in love with Luciana.  As my fifth, I realize even more how fleeting the time is that they are little and sweet and tiny, I am enjoying EVERY minute I have her in my arms.

Mateo and I leaving Mount Elizabeth hospital:


  1. What a wonderful recap of your hospital stay. Your doctors have got to be the cutest ladies ever. And I did so love the Indian kitchen staff and Malaysian nurses. They were so kind and caring and informal. I loved not being checked on every second. I love the matching tune bracelets. Samara had one in NC that would beep if we got to close to an exit but matching tunes is so much better.

  2. You already look like your same size again! I love the last pic of you and Mateo leaving the hospital. It brings things full circle & the picture you showed me of you & Mateo with baby Ethan (when you had short hair)!!! I love that Ella is already bonding. This whole process makes me really excited for Baby boy to arrive!
