Saturday, January 1, 2011

Images of the Philippines

I loved this trip to the Philippines! I loved showing my kids around.
I love that my kids picked up a few more phrases.
I love people watching and realizing that these people are MY people.
I love talking in Tagalog and remembering words I had thought were forgotten.
I love being Filpina!

I find it so interesting that most Filipino beggars are.....always smiling, despite their hardships.

I have such fond memories of all things Catholic from my early years.

I just love how a whole family will squeeze into a tricycle....

...and you gotta love the garrish Jeepneys all over the country. It was quite an event to take the kids on a ride, they thought it was a party!

1 comment:

  1. You make ME want to be Filipina! I love seeing this side of you and I find it wonderful that no matter how much you travel and live in many places in the world, you keep that connection to your roots. Bravo Sarah!
